Hiking and Biking Code of Conduct

Choctaw Country Destinations

Hiking and Biking Code of Conduct

Hiking and biking is a favorite activity for many, and in Choctaw Country there are waterfalls, wildflowers, wildlife and stunning views. We’ve put together five simple Do’s and Don’t’s to help make your experience in Choctaw Country one to remember.


  • Wear Waterproof/Breathable Materials: Meaning, materials that will block rain and wind, but will also let you sweat. Nylon or polyester are two materials used mainly for lightweight and ultra-light rain clothing. Suitable for intensive outdoor activities such as hiking and biking.


  • Disturb the Natural Surroundings: As the saying goes, “Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footsteps.” Taking home mementos can destroy the natural habitat for the animals and plants in Choctaw Country and ruin the enjoyment for generations to come. Instead, bring a camera and share your memories and photos with us using hashtag #ChoctawCountry to be featured on our social pages.

trail biking


  • Bring Essentials: Whether you’re hiking or biking you need to feel secure when on rough ground. Your shoes should fit snug, but not tight and offer room to wiggle your toes. In addition, bring along these basic essentials: compass, insect repellent, sunscreen, sunglasses and a small first aid kit.


  • Hog the Trail: Most trails are multi-use. Alert other riders and hikers as you approach, especially if you’re approaching from behind. If you need to pass, slow down, ring a bell or verbally announce yourself. Use extra caution when around horses and be aware when riding/hiking trails have poor sight lines and blind corners.



  • Pick a Suitable Trail: Choctaw Country offers a vast variety of trails that range from easy to strenuous. Most of our trails are very scenic with streams, waterfalls and wildlife around every corner, so you won’t miss a thing regardless of the trail. Click here for some of the best trails to step back into nature and recharge your mind, soul and spirit.

Whether you prefer a short walk or a multi-mile-long rugged hike or bike, the trails of Choctaw Country offer breathtaking views for everyone. Hurry up and slow down, and enjoy one of several Choctaw Country trails where you can get “lost” in the best way.